August 2009 Bus Meet: Assynt

Sunday, 23 August 2009

Eas a Chual Aluinn Waterfall
Eas a Chual Aluinn Waterfall

The Assynt meet proved to be a popular trip, with a total of 23 members and guests turning out, despite the poor weather forecast.

Annette Turnidge and Allan McConachie set out for a day on Quinag taking in the 2 Corbetts of Spidean Coinich and Sail Gharbh.  They had a great day out with good views from both summits.

John Henderson, Ray Harron, Bob Weeks, Jo Chappell, Fiona Duncan, Jenny Smith, Mark Richford, Illona Morrice and guests Rachel Higgins and Angela Waugh all headed off for a very windy day on Quinag.  Starting off from the car park they headed up to the summit of the first Corbett, Spidean Coinich, where they stopped for a short break before continuing along the ridge to Sail Ghorm.   They nearly did not make the summit of Sail Ghorm due to the gale force winds.  On the way back to the col they managed to find some shelter from the wind for another break.

Illona Morrice and Angela Waugh decided to head back to the bus from the Col while the other members of the group headed off to complete the third summit, Sail Gharbh.  Despite the windy conditions, everyone managed to enjoy the great views of the Assynt hills.

David Whitelock, Elliott Harbottle, Greg Muir, Lydia Davis, Paul Geraghty and guest James Hamilton set off from the Inchnadamph Hotel Car Park, and after about 2km they encountered a boggy path as they made their way up Gleann Dubh.  After a lunch break at the col on the north west of Conival, they proceeded up the ridge to the summit.  They then continued along the ridge to the summit of the second Munro of Ben More Assynt that offered some spectacular views of the surrounding countryside when the clouds broke.  They descended via the same route.  Some members of the group decided to run the last 2km back to the Hotel, only to find out that their efforts were wasted as the bar was closed.

Ros Wright and guest Elizabeth Dally headed off for a leisurely walk to the summit of Spidean Coinich.  They enjoyed the view from the summit before returning to the car park.  They then headed off to see the longest waterfall in Scotland.

Graeme Bartlett and Graeme Morrison set off from Achiltibuie road junction for an interesting walk round the horseshoe of Cul Beag and Col Mor ending up at Knochan Crag.  They avoided a soaking in the last 10 minutes by sheltering behind the Knochan Crag Dyke road sign.

Rob Murray headed off for a walk up Canisp.  He set off from Lock Awe and returned down the Suilven side of the hill via Loch Fada and Cam Loch.

Jo Chappell

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